Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013 Saeco Ad (2 Page Spread)

For this project for Ad Design, we were instructed to design for whatever product we pulled out of a bowl. While some didn't like who they had and asked for a re-pull, I went on with who I pulled the first time which was Saeco, a coffee and espresso making machine company. As a graphic designer, even if you don't so much care for a product, that doesn't mean you shouldn't come up with a great ad for it unless it's really against your values. I'm not a big fan of coffee, but I had ideas for it. I will say the first ideas were cliche, simple, and boring because I was thinking basic. The designs the first time were just advertising the machines. I was trying to go for classy because it's about drinking coffee and espressos. After a few tries of failure and input on them from the teacher, I gave up and did what I do best, act silly. When it comes to coming up with ideas, it usually involves humor or silliness. So I scrapped the classy prep look and went with classy and funny. The two ad designs shown above are out of the three I came up with. I tried to show the funny things that happen to people who drink espresso with whip cream or foam, but tried to have a clean classy look, which is on the left of the two page spread and the humor on the right that showed old time looking people jumping over the page to try the product. The teacher liked the second round of ads and so did I because they came out well and I stuck to what I'm best at which are designs that are targeted for humorous audiences.     

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