Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 7, 2013: Black History Month Poster.

Here is my Black History Month poster I created as a South University employee. I was instructed to design a interesting poser to grab students attention about the upcoming activities on campus during the month of February. I had no clue how I wanted to tackle the poster idea.  So I went searching online for inspiration and how other designers went on coming up with a design. After some searching I began to work. I decided to put some important figures in my piece but I didn't want the figures to be over powering to one another. I had an idea to have a simple color scheme of only three colors which were light brown, brown, and black. Contrast, balance, and interest was what I was shooting for and I accomplished that by putting all the figures in brown to convey unity and put them all on one side to create a conjoined flow. I put the information on the poster and did a little type design for it's my strong point when it comes to graphic design. After that was done, I wasn't sure if I was completely done because the balance seemed off. To fix the issue, I went on an added circle designs in the negative space (which would be the light brown area) making my design feel more complete. I have received lots of complements for this poster by staff and friends at South University and I also think it is one of my best and strong pieces I have done. I was very proud of myself and got lots of praise for this one informative poster.     

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