Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28, 2013: 5 Image Progression

Here is my progression piece. With this project we were instructed to create an interesting 5 image progression to show what we have learned in Photoshop class. Here I'm only showing three. This turned out to be one of my favorite pieces. When it comes to creating a concept relating to me, I try to let people in my world and show how I'm feeling because people don't see it. Just like any other person, I suffer from bad anxieties, and I'm overly nice to others, which I love being but it ruins me. I tried to show in a fairly creative way on how I feel or the way any type of artist may feel when over stressed. everything in the progression photos mean something. I'm dressed in my favorite blazer with my skates representing my life and what I love doing. Growing up I had this social anxiety and liked to be alone and that is represented by me sitting on the floor alone in the dark. As the photos go down, you see a tv representing control placed on my head and you also see a bomb representing people and "all" my personal issues. Mid way down it shows that I lose control and all my creative thoughts, ideas, hobbies and worries explode out my mind with paint representing blood. Even though this is how I feel sometimes in two different ways (my life and a designer), it also in general takes on the lives or the frustrations of a graphic artist who understands the nagging of others who want handouts and don't understand that even though we enjoy designing, it runs us crazy when it's not understood that it's not fun and games, it's a living just like any job. If I could change anything I wouldn't. The photos have nice lighting and I personally think the concept was daring. I like to tap into my viewers mind and hear what they think my work is about. My teacher of this particular class loved it with a response "WOW" and a grade in the high 90's. I also received great feedback from supporters. Even though my program director thought it was pessimistic, he liked it as well. Art is art in my eyes because things can always be worse than graphic expression.   

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