Monday, June 4, 2012

Week 9 June 4, 2012: Mood Cards

This Conceptual Thinking project shows 3 of 4 cards that had to be designed around 4 different words and show what major the designer is taking up (Graphic Design). We had to come up with sub words and a graphic that would fit the main word given to us (Anger, Love, Joy, and Fear). I enjoyed this project because it gave you room to think of a style that fits your personality. In each design, I tried to give off a tattoo and smooth feel. To keep the design from looking dark, I added white in each picture to give the eyes some time to rest while it moves across the design. This is the second time I have redone this design and to make this one different I have added stars and shadows to make the cards have a foreground and background adding depth. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Week 8 May 28, 2012: Visual Narrative- Information Graphic

In this visual narrative for Concept Design, we were instructed to concept and design a display that graphically describes for the viewer a complicated process,procedure, or set of directions. I decided to describe how to make a pair of custom skates. I tried to keep it simple while trying not to skip information or making it looked cluttered with information. I was going to make this look like It was broken down in 8 steps with 8 pictures but decided to use one big picture and describe how to assemble the skates. I started where it can be read in clock-wise rotation to make it seem like the steps need to be repeated. This set up is a little more spacious then what I had in mind, which is easy for the audience to read. I used colors that would attract viewers and to make it look somewhat fun.