Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 5 May 7,2012: B.Smith Presents Logo

In this logo design the client wanted a logo that reflected his major in film. The design is a mimic of a wide screen shot with the light helping lead the viewer to the real focal point which is the "B Smith Presents". I chose a type face that gave off a feeling of flow and calmness as I think the type represented the client. I set up a few examples with different colors as they give off different feelings or moods that possibly could be changed depending how serious the film presentation is.     

1 comment:

  1. Wow, very nice. I love how the design is simple, but boast interest with the different colors. Also the play on the widescreen style is very nice! It allows versatility to any video project the client may do. It could easily be an intro too a short film, a music video, or even a documentary!
