Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 3 April 23, 2012: Poster Design

While attending the Art Institute of Charleston one of my class projects (not sure of the class) was to pick a Type Designer and use one of their graphic type to come up with a poster design that illustrates their style while executing some of our own style as a designer. Paul Renner is known for the Futura type. It is known to me to have a clean, smooth look and feel. In my part of the design I used his quote as a design element and not something to really be read. The only thing I wanted to be clear as the focal point was the name of the designer and the type name. I added red to surround the name because red is a loud color and has a feel of urgency which helped my design a lot because of all the white space. I also love to make designs that flow off the page. It makes a design that's not much, look bigger then it is. Because of his type design, I wanted to give off a clean and not so cluttered look.